Welcome to our recipe section! Find here typical cooking of the Region of Campania that we also cook on the Amalfi Coast. Get inspiration for dishes and typical products!
Here we present you a recipe of a variation of “pizza fritta” (fried pizza), also known as “Montanara” – a variation which is typical for the mountainous regions around Naples.
PIZZA FRITTA is a Neapolitan invention and became a symbol of the city. Outside of Italy it became known for the movie with Sophia Loren (she plays a very typical fried pizza cooker). It is served in the many bars of Naples, eaten as a small lunch snack or appetitzer before lunch or dinner. In the houses of the Neapolitans, it is prepared and served for occasions with guests, for either lunch, dinner, or “aperitivo” (a small snack before lunch or dinner, sometimes accompanied by a glas of homemade wine). Find more details including the recipe below the video on youtube!
The particularity of this Lasagne is the usage of the tomato Re Fiascone not only in the sugo but also in the dough itself (pasta “rossa”, “red” pasta). It makes the Lasagne more delicate and goes well along optically and sensorically. The selection of ingredients reflect a diverse and rich tasting experience. Find more details including the recipe below the video on youtube!
We are happy that you found this delicious presentation of a traditional and ancient tomato from the region of the Amalfi Coast, close to Naples in Southern Italy. We are hosting a project in which we save this special type of tomato – for the environment and people of the region. If you want to know more about the project, please go to www.refiascone.it