Francesca Mansi Award 2025: Students at Work for the Ninth Edition

The Acarbio Association is pleased to announce the call for the Francesca Mansi Award for the Environment 2025, an initiative that, for nine editions, has engaged schools in rediscovering their roots and safeguarding the natural and cultural heritage of the Amalfi Coast.

This year’s theme, “Roots of Land and Sea,” invites students to explore the history of the region through two pathways: Historical Figures and Local Productions. It is an opportunity to gain deeper knowledge of the past and reflect on the present while appreciating the traditions that have shaped this unique territory.

Students can express their creativity using various formats, including graphic novels, short stories, multimedia projects, photography, and videos, depending on their educational level. All submissions must be in digital format.

The award also provides an opportunity to develop transversal skills, such as teamwork, historical research, digital tools proficiency, and an understanding of the value of local productions.

Key Deadlines:

  • March 10, 2025: Submission deadline for the participation form
  • May 10, 2025: Deadline for project submissions
  • June 5, 2025: Award ceremony in Atrani

Projects will be evaluated based on criteria that consider originality, historical and documentary research, expressive ability, and relevance to the theme.

A Growth Opportunity with DiscoverEU

Making this edition even more significant is the opportunity for students born in 2007 to apply for the DiscoverEU program, an Erasmus+ initiative that allows young people to explore Europe, visit European institutions, and engage with peers from other countries. This travel and learning experience fits into a broader journey of discovering the relationship between humanity, nature, and culture—an essential theme for those living in a UNESCO World Heritage site.

We invite schools to participate enthusiastically in this new edition to keep the memory and identity of our territory alive!

Bando 9 edizione Premio FrancescaMansi per l’Ambiente – anno 2025-